Monday, 14 November 2011

To my fellow online sellers, (Part 2)

Here’s something for you…
Step 2: Filling out the Shipping Request
The shipping request will ask for the seller’s full name, email address, daytime phone, address and his or her preferred choice of payment. Also available in this section is the Terms of use of the site and the Sell iPhone code.

Let me pause in this part first as I want to emphasize the importance of reading the terms of agreement.
The terms of use or terms of agreement usually has all the necessary information about a company’s process and operation. It is important for a company to have this certain page of conditions to avoid any misconception about how they handle their devices. What is written here is very important and people should always read this section so further troubles can be prevented from taking place.

Also in this section, the seller is given the chance to withdraw from the transaction in case there are certain provisions or “parts of the deal” which he or she finds to be unacceptable or objectionable considering his or her rights.

Once the seller agrees to the site’s Terms of use or Terms of agreement, it is settled that everything about the deal has been consented to and approved.

Step 3: Selling the Device
After clicking the “Sell iPhone” button, the seller will be directed to the thank you page where he or she is advised to check his or her email for an automatic message that will confirm the email address.
After confirming the deal, the site states that a protective packaging and prepaid shipping label will arrive at the seller’s doorstep within two to three days.
Now, let me explain my thoughts about this kind of process.
A site that will provide free shipping for the device is already considered legit. This is because scammers, online thieves and other forms of internet based criminals will never pay for such a crime in terms of money.

If a site asks you for money, then its motive is downright shady. One common thing about these crooks is that they are always after their own benefit and they will not bother to shell out cash just to leave you empty-handed.

They want to rip you off with your device but they will never pay for its shipping fee. Only credible and capable companies will offer this kind of service. Thus, this proves is legit and definitely not a scam.

Here’s another thing, if a site provides you with a package that is partnered with seasoned delivery businesses like UPS and USPS, chances are, they are operating under lawful bounds. This is because companies like UPS and USPS have their own image that they protect.
These companies will not dare taint their names by being partners with criminals disguised in good faith. This is a sign that the site has a good reputation. Again, this fact makes a reliable site where sellers can sell their gadgets.

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